Map of Beth[page] November 1889

Map No. L.I.--17th-18th century(1889).Fl

Cadastral map covering modern-day Old Bethpage, Long Island. The map shows land patents, names of landowners, buildings, and landscape details. The map covers an area identical to the map printed on page 4 of the author’s Long Island Genealogies (Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell’s Sons, 1895). Map has extensive notes in manuscript on landowners and patents not found on the published version. Map is missing sections of uppermost right quarter, resulting in some loss of text. Mounted on board.

84 × 49 cm
Bunker, Mary Powell,
Public Domain
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Brooklyn Historical Society
Map of Beth[page]; November 1889, Map Collection, L.I.--17th-18th century(1889).Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Scale not given
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