Map of land of heirs of Robert B. Lefferts in the town of New Utrecht and county of Kings, as surveyed: by T.G. Bergen June 1867

Map No. Bergen-1867.Fl

Cadastral map covering Lefferts Ave. Shows property (including acreages), and names of landowners. Cataloger unable to determine map’s modern-day Brooklyn neighborhood. No cross street names or landmarks on map. Oriented with north to the upper right. Includes notes and calculations. Area covered identical to: Map of land of heirs of Robert Lefferts, in the Town of New Utrecht and County of Kings /as suveyed June 1867 by T.G. Bergen, also in the Brooklyn Historical Society collection (Bergen-1867b.Fl). Keyed to index no index present.

23 × 75 cm
Bergen, Teunis G., Bergen, Teunis G.,
Public Domain
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Brooklyn Historical Society, Brooklyn Historical Society
Map of land of heirs of Robert B. Lefferts in the town of New Utrecht and county of Kings, as surveyed: by T.G. Bergen; June 1867, Map Collection, Bergen-1867.Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Scale [1:2,400] 1 in to 2
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