Map of land of heirs of Zachariah Griswold and others, situate[d] at Bay Ridge in the town of New Utrecht and county of Kings, as surveyed and divided into sections, Dec. 1855: by Teunis G. Bergen December 1855
Map No. Bergen-1855b.Fl
Cadastral map covering area east from New York Bay to 3rd Ave., between Bay St. and the Road from Yellow Hook or Bay Ridge and Fort Hamilton to Brooklyn (likely modern-day Bay Ridge). Shows property (including lots and dimensions), and names of landowners. Oriented with north to the upper left. Includes notes and calculations. Written in blue ink: Map of land of Charles Griswold and others situated at Bay Ridge in the town of New Utrecht and county of Kings as surveyed and divided into sections, June 1866, by Teunis G. Bergen. Scale 100 ft. to the in. Cataloger unable to determine relationship of “Map of land of Charles Griswold …” to main map.
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Bergen, Teunis G.,Publisher
Brooklyn Historical SocietyCitation
Map of land of heirs of Zachariah Griswold and others, situate[d] at Bay Ridge in the town of New Utrecht and county of Kings, as surveyed and divided into sections, Dec. 1855: by Teunis G. Bergen; December 1855, Map Collection, Bergen-1855b.Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.Scale
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