Map of town of Lorraine: Township No. 1 in Jefferson County, N.Y. : the property of the estate of H.B. Pierrepont, as originally surveyed into lots by Benjn. Wright, A.D. 1801: W.C.P., 14 April 1847 [1847]

Map No. NYS-1801 (1847).Fl

Cadastral map showing disposition of numbered lots circa 1823[?]. Also shows drainage, roads, and parts of surrounding counties. Based on 1801 survey. “Lots colored green are deeded lots in other colors contracted.”

53 × 40 cm
Pierrepont, W. C.,
Public Domain
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Brooklyn Historical Society
Map of town of Lorraine: Township No. 1 in Jefferson County, N.Y. : the property of the estate of H.B. Pierrepont, as originally surveyed into lots by Benjn. Wright, A.D. 1801: W.C.P., 14 April 1847; [1847], Map Collection, NYS-1801 (1847).Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.
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