Part of Flushing, town of Flushing, Queens Co [1873]
Map No. Q-[1873]m.Fl
Cadastral map. Covers area north from Longfellow Ave. to Bayside Ave. and east from Whitestone Ave. to Murray Ave. Shows buildings, names of landowners, and railroads. Extracted from: Atlas of Long Island, New York. New York : Beers, Comstock & Cline, 1873. Oriented with north to the left. “74”–Upper left corner. “76”–Upper right corner.
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Beers, F. W.; Beers, Comstock & Cline,Publisher
Brooklyn Historical SocietyCitation
Part of Flushing, town of Flushing, Queens Co; [1873], Map Collection, Q-[1873]m.Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.Scale
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