Peremptory chancery sale of valuable real esate in the city of Brooklyn with the improvements thereon known as the oil manufactory of Messrs. H & H Canfield, on Monday the 28th Septr., 1835, 1835

Map No. B P-[1835]b.Fl

Cadastral map covering area north from Plymouth St. to the East River and west from Gold St. to approximately Badger St. (modern-day Vinegar Hill). Shows property (including lot numbers, dimensions, and buildings), names of property owners, and the original high and low water lines. Oriented with north to the left. Includes text. “39”–Upper center margin. “668.”–Upper right corner. BHS has 3 copies.

54 × 67 cm
Miller & Co.,
Public Domain
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Brooklyn Historical Society
Peremptory chancery sale of valuable real esate in the city of Brooklyn with the improvements thereon known as the oil manufactory of Messrs. H & H Canfield, on Monday the 28th Septr., 1835,; 1835, Map Collection, B P-[1835]b.Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.
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