Positive sale of 204 vacant lots in the 9th Ward of the city of Brooklyn, to be sold at auction on Tuesday, May 24th, 1853, at 12 o’clock at the Merchants Exchange, N.Y., by James Cole, auctioneer [1853]

Map No. B P-[1853].Fl c.2

Cadastral map covering area north from Pacific St. to McDonough St. and east from approximately New York Ave. to Brooklyn Ave. (modern-day Bedford-Stuyvesant). Shows property (including lot numbers and dimensions), a railroad, the Queen’s Depot of the Fulton Ave. line of omnibuses, and the status of streets. Oriented with north to the lower right. Includes note. “(959)” BHS has 2 copies: copy 2 annotated in gray pencil.

68 × 54 cm
Lawrence, Henry,
Public Domain
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Brooklyn Historical Society
Positive sale of 204 vacant lots in the 9th Ward of the city of Brooklyn, to be sold at auction on Tuesday, May 24th, 1853, at 12 o’clock at the Merchants Exchange, N.Y., by James Cole, auctioneer; [1853], Map Collection, B P-[1853].Fl c.2; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Scale not given
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