Positive sale of valuable building lots in the city of Brooklyn belonging to the estate of Jeremiah V. Spader, decd., to be sold at auction on Tuesday, 27th March, 1849, at 12 o’clock, at the Merchants’ Exchange, N.Y. 1849
Map No. B P-[1849]b.Fl
Cadastral map covering area north from approximately Myrtle Ave. to Flushing Ave. and east from Oxford St. to Clinton Ave. (modern-day Fort Greene and Clinton Hill). Shows property (including lot numbers, dimensions, and buildings). Oriented with north to the left. Includes notes. “1396”–Lower center margin. BHS copy annotated in ink.
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Brooklyn Historical SocietyCitation
Positive sale of valuable building lots in the city of Brooklyn belonging to the estate of Jeremiah V. Spader, decd., to be sold at auction on Tuesday, 27th March, 1849, at 12 o’clock, at the Merchants’ Exchange, N.Y.; 1849, Map Collection, B P-[1849]b.Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.Scale
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