The villages of Fort Hamilton and Bay Ridge as they were in 1870: compiled from old and musty records: done by Catherine and E. Theodore Nelson [ca. 1942]

Map No. P-1870 (1942).Fl c.2;P-1870 (1942).Fl;P-1870 (1942).Fl c.3

Pictorial map covering Fort Hamilton and Bay Ridge south from 65th St. to the waterfront and east to Fort Hamilton Ave. Shows property, names of property owners, churches, public buildings, piers, hotels, ferry lines, and the Third Avenue Car Railroad. Relief shown pictorially. Oriented with north to the upper left. Includes decorative border, cartouche, and ill. BHS has 3 copies.

67 × 52 cm
Nelson, Catherine,
In copyright, low resolution only
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Brooklyn Historical Society
The villages of Fort Hamilton and Bay Ridge as they were in 1870: compiled from old and musty records: done by Catherine and E. Theodore Nelson; [ca. 1942], Map Collection, P-1870 (1942).Fl c.2;P-1870 (1942).Fl;P-1870 (1942).Fl c.3; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Scale [ca. 1:5,189]
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