[Survey maps of Kings County Penitentiary Grounds and Vanderveer encroachment onto Clarendon property] [18??]

Map No. Bergen-[18--?]aa.Fl

Cadastral survey map covering area in modern-day Crown Heights. Shows streets and building. Cadastral survey map covering area in modern-day Coney Island. Shows buildings and names of landowners. Title devised by cataloger. Map covers area identical to: Map 3 of [Survey maps of roads in Brooklyn] (Bergen-[18–?]dd.Fl) also held by BHS. Maps found rolled together in BHS archives and cataloged as a unit to preserve context. Penitentiary grounds. Vanderveer enchroachment [onto Clarendon property], Coney Island.

31 × 39 cm
Bergen, Teunis G.,
Public Domain
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Brooklyn Historical Society
[Survey maps of Kings County Penitentiary Grounds and Vanderveer encroachment onto Clarendon property]; [18??], Map Collection, Bergen-[18--?]aa.Fl; Brooklyn Historical Society.
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